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English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments

Detailed Test Results for:School: Nevada Union High

CDS Code: 29-66357-2935500|County: Nevada|District: Nevada Joint Union High

Select a grade to view historical data

Selecting an end year and grade will bring up the data for that year and grade, as well as data for up to two preceding grades from the previous administrations, in a side-by-side view. Please note that the data is populating at the entity level, so the students whose results are shown for the previous year may not be the exact same group as the students whose data is being shown for the current year. Note that in years prior to 2016–17, overall performance level percentages and area performance levels percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number.

Score ranges for each level are different for each grade, and the standards for the next grade are higher than those of the previous grade. As a result, students may need a higher overall score to remain in the same achievement level as the previous year. To understand overall performance, consider both the score and the achievement level.

Report Options

PLEASE NOTE: This page will only display data for preceding grades from previous administrations if “All Schools” is selected as the school type.

Due to factors surrounding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, 2019–20 results are not available and testing participation in 2020–21 varied. Care should be used when interpreting results.

Composite Areas are only available beginning with the 2023–24 administration year.

The display type 'Number of Students' is only available for results starting with the 2023–24 administration year.

To learn more about the results displayed below, please visit the Understanding Results page.

All Grades Detailed Test Results Over Time Results for All Students

The display type 'Number of Students' is only available for results starting with the 2023–24 administration year.


Change Over Time is available only for individual grades. Please select an individual grade.


Change Over Time is available only for individual grades. Please select an individual grade.
California Department of Education 1430 N Street Sacramento, CA 95814