Test Results Definitions
Number Enrolled—A count of students in the selected entity (i.e., state, county, district, school, or student group) who
were eligible to take the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments, by subject (English language arts/literacy or
mathematics) in grades 3–8 and grade 11.
*Note: The number enrolled shown in the 2014–15 results includes all students in the selected entity (i.e., state,
county, district, school, or student group) who were eligible to take any CAASPP test for any subject.
Number Tested—A count of students in the selected entity (i.e., state, county, district, school, or student group) who were
administered the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments, by subject (English language arts/literacy or mathematics). This
number excludes students not tested by parent/guardian request, students not tested due to a significant medical emergency,
students who only logged into one part of the assessment, and students who were assigned to take the test, but did not test.
Number of Tests with Valid Scores—A count of students tested in the selected entity
(i.e., state, county, district, school, or student group) and responded to enough questions on the test
to generate a valid score. Scores that are invalidated are not included in this aggregation.
Mean Scale Score—The sum of scale scores for students with valid scores in the selected entity (i.e., state, county,
district, school, or student group) divided by the Number of Tests with Valid Scores.
For more information, please visit the Scale Score Ranges page.