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English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments

Detailed Test Results for:State of California

CDS Code: 00-00000-0000000

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PLEASE NOTE: Achievement level percentages in the same subject can be compared within grade levels, with adjacent grades, and from one year to another. Schools made up of differing grade levels should be compared with caution.

To learn more about the results displayed below, please visit the Understanding Results page.

2022–23 Detailed Test Results Results for All Students


Achievement Level Distribution

In order to protect student privacy, an asterisk (*) will be displayed for enrolled and tested counts for fewer than 4 students and for assessment results for fewer than 11 students. "N/A" will be displayed instead of a number on test results where no data is found for the specific report.

Overall Achievement
Overall Achievement
Reporting CategoriesGrade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Grade 11All Grades
Number of Students Enrolled This total includes only the students in the selected student group who were eligible to take this test in the selected year for this subject area. 420,238425,000430,897435,508436,906433,294473,4273,055,270
Number of Students Tested This total includes only the students in the selected student group who took this test in the selected year for this subject area. 413,749418,975424,545427,603425,812419,830441,7802,972,294
Number of Students With Scores This total includes only the students in the selected student group who took this test in the selected year for this subject area and received a valid score. 413,495418,769424,255427,287425,422419,315440,9122,969,455
Mean Scale Score 2421.42460.52480.32497.72511.82518.12545.4N/A
Standard Exceeded (Level 4) The percentage of students at each achievement level is calculated by dividing the number of students at that achievement level by the total number of students with scores in the selected year for this subject area. 20.36 %18.68 %18.29 %17.35 %16.92 %16.65 %12.04 %17.14 %
Standard Met (Level 3) The percentage of students at each achievement level is calculated by dividing the number of students at that achievement level by the total number of students with scores in the selected year for this subject area. 24.75 %22.12 %15.09 %15.84 %16.25 %13.29 %15.31 %17.48 %
Standard Nearly Met (Level 2) The percentage of students at each achievement level is calculated by dividing the number of students at that achievement level by the total number of students with scores in the selected year for this subject area. 21.92 %28.14 %25.16 %25.78 %24.50 %21.73 %21.25 %24.06 %
Standard Not Met (Level 1) The percentage of students at each achievement level is calculated by dividing the number of students at that achievement level by the total number of students with scores in the selected year for this subject area. 32.97 %31.06 %41.46 %41.03 %42.33 %48.33 %51.39 %41.32 %


Area Achievement Level Descriptors provide a more detailed look at students' performance on the overall assessment. The results in these key areas for each subject are reported using the following three indicators: below standard, near standard, and above standard. The sum of the achievement level percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding.

CONCEPTS & PROCEDURES: How well do students use mathematical rules and ideas?
CONCEPTS & PROCEDURES: How well do students use mathematical rules and ideas?
Area Performance LevelGrade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Grade 11All Grades
Above Standard The percentage of students at each claim level is calculated by dividing the number of students at that claim level by the total number of students with scores in the selected year for this subject area. 25.17 %23.16 %18.65 %17.33 %18.20 %16.91 %15.70 %19.26 %
Near Standard The percentage of students at each claim level is calculated by dividing the number of students at that claim level by the total number of students with scores in the selected year for this subject area. 43.83 %42.01 %41.44 %40.08 %39.57 %40.18 %33.71 %40.06 %
Below Standard The percentage of students at each claim level is calculated by dividing the number of students at that claim level by the total number of students with scores in the selected year for this subject area. 30.99 %34.84 %39.91 %42.60 %42.23 %42.91 %50.59 %40.68 %
PROBLEM SOLVING AND MODELING & DATA ANALYSIS: How well can students show and apply their problem solving skills?
PROBLEM SOLVING AND MODELING & DATA ANALYSIS: How well can students show and apply their problem solving skills?
Area Performance LevelGrade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Grade 11All Grades
Above Standard The percentage of students at each claim level is calculated by dividing the number of students at that claim level by the total number of students with scores in the selected year for this subject area. 22.28 %18.34 %15.38 %13.53 %15.53 %15.55 %13.48 %16.25 %
Near Standard The percentage of students at each claim level is calculated by dividing the number of students at that claim level by the total number of students with scores in the selected year for this subject area. 45.53 %47.51 %48.27 %48.19 %49.86 %47.66 %57.40 %49.27 %
Below Standard The percentage of students at each claim level is calculated by dividing the number of students at that claim level by the total number of students with scores in the selected year for this subject area. 32.19 %34.15 %36.35 %38.28 %34.62 %36.79 %29.12 %34.48 %
COMMUNICATING REASONING: How well can students think logically and express their thoughts in order to solve a problem?
COMMUNICATING REASONING: How well can students think logically and express their thoughts in order to solve a problem?
Area Performance LevelGrade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Grade 11All Grades
Above Standard The percentage of students at each claim level is calculated by dividing the number of students at that claim level by the total number of students with scores in the selected year for this subject area. 20.82 %19.38 %13.00 %14.53 %14.89 %13.13 %12.60 %15.44 %
Near Standard The percentage of students at each claim level is calculated by dividing the number of students at that claim level by the total number of students with scores in the selected year for this subject area. 56.73 %52.98 %56.96 %56.25 %58.23 %55.75 %58.98 %56.58 %
Below Standard The percentage of students at each claim level is calculated by dividing the number of students at that claim level by the total number of students with scores in the selected year for this subject area. 22.45 %27.63 %30.03 %29.22 %26.87 %31.12 %28.43 %27.99 %
California Department of Education 1430 N Street Sacramento, CA 95814